Hi I’m Terri (or Bee as my family calls me), creator of Bee’s Nest Quilt & Sew. I have had an exciting career in the sewing industry for many years; both in corporate and retail. I’ve been sewing since my mother bought me my first machine at age 14 (now 49), and got hooked on machine quilting 24 years ago.

Bee’s Nest began in 2014 in my home studio in Toronto, creating custom orders for clients and teaching private lessons. Then along came motherhood in 2015, and after a year of carrying my wares from show to show, it was time to focus on being a work at home mom.

In 2017 my husband and I made a quick decision to relocate. I grew up in Belleville, Ontario and I felt my heart pulling me back in that direction. We were drawn to the Village of Stirling, bought a house and began to lay down our roots.

The day I set foot in our Stirling home I envisioned transforming one room into a little “nest” to share my passion of teaching quilting and sewing with others. Bee’s Nest is just that – it’s my nest, open to you. A creative hive away from home and the distractions and challenges of life. 

Bee’s Nest a safe inclusive space where you are encouraged to explore and express yourself freely through the art of sewing and quilting.Whether you are learning a new skill, or honing your existing talent, there is a place waiting for you at the table.

All lessons take place at my home studio, in private with no distractions. No pressure to buy fabrics or notions or other students biding for the teacher’s attention; it’s uninterrupted time designated for you. Sewing, quilting and serger lessons as well assistance with personal projects is all available by appointment.

Learn and work at your own pace, on your own time.

Meet Bee